Family of Chris Fredrickson

Family of Chris Fredrickson

1984 – 2014

Chris Fredrickson dreamed of being an attorney and working in the world of US politics. He graduated from Louisiana State University with a degree in Political Science and had two semesters of law school under his belt. Chris was an avid reader who continually educated himself on politics and international relations, and who had the capacity to understand the complexities of international affairs. Among family and friends, he was the go-to guy when you wanted an objective view of complicated world events. Chris loved to debate and was always ready to go head-to-head with anyone on any topic. For several years Chris worked in politics in Orange County, CA managing political campaigns for local and statewide candidates. Some of those candidates have now risen to hold national offices. He volunteered for liberal causes and was an active campaigner for the Democratic Party. His wit, curiosity, knowledge, and sense of humor will be missed.